Oriental Lodge No. 33, Grand Lodge of Illinois

News and Updates

News and Updates from the Lodge

Oriental Lodge # 33 Hosts Deputy Grand Master David Lynch

On the evening of Tuesday, May 9th, Oriental Lodge #33 had the honor of receiving the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master David Lynch of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the Great State of Illinois. His insightful discussion on "The Disappearing Past Master" was a source of enlightenment for all present. Everyone enjoyed the conversation and we thank Brother David Lynch for sharing in fellowship and dinner with our lodge. More than forty brothers answered the call of fraternity, including a number of first-time visitors and potential candidates. Each had the unique opportunity to engage in an enriching dialogue.

In recognition of his visit, we bestowed upon him the official silk tie of Oriental Lodge, a token of respect reserved exclusively for our members. Brother Lynch stands as the sole non-member to receive this honor. It is our sincere hope that he wears this with a sense of pride, forever reminding him of the bond formed during his memorable visit to our lodge.

Amid this celebration of knowledge and fellowship, we said goodbye to Brother Terry McCammon, who is embarking on a new journey towards the east to be closer to his family. An honorary member of Oriental Lodge #33, Brother McCammon has been a beacon of wisdom, consistently offering valuable counsel and warm advice to those new to our fraternity.

While Brother McCammon's journey leads him physically away from our Lodge, he remains an integral part of our Masonic family. We look forward to his return visits and the continued sharing of experiences, reaffirming the enduring bonds that define the proud tradition of Oriental Lodge #33.