Oriental Lodge No. 33, Grand Lodge of Illinois

News and Updates

News and Updates from the Lodge

January 2023 Newsletter

Please find the January 2023 Newsletter at the link below

Oriental Lodge # 33 January 2023 Newsletter

Point within a Circle with the Saint's John

The symbol of a single point within a circle represents the balance between an individual's duty to the Grand Architect and their fellow man. The individual, represented by the point, should stay within the boundaries of the circle, refraining from allowing personal desires and motivations to cause them to stray from their duty.

In Freemasonry, the Saints John are traditionally associated with the biblical figures John the Baptist and John the Evangelist. These figures are often referenced in Masonic ritual and symbolism, and their feast days (June 24th and December 27th, respectively) are considered special days of observance for Masons.

In the context of the craft, the Double headed eagle of St. John ,which is a symbol of the Two Saints, is depicted to represent the need of balance and harmony between the spiritual and the temporal aspects of human life.

Anthony Popelka